1. Your property will increase in value, or, at minimum, maintain its current value.
2. You will receive an informed decision as to which variant of further use –
rental, sale or a partial live-in situation – works best for you.
3. You will be able to sell, or rent, your property quickly and easily.
4. You will also be able to put problematic properties on the market more easily.
5. With little effort, your rooms will appear larger, brighter, more friendly and more inviting.
6. You will be able to hand over coordination and control of measures taken to achieve the sale. This may include any required (aesthetic) repairs, space clearing, cleaning, gardening or photography – all of which is better left to experienced, caring professionals.
We assess and document the current condition of the property, including photos and a detailed description of plausible next steps, in a written portfolio of recommendations.
We provide support in the decision-making process (sale, rental, or further own use).
We research and select suitable craftsmen and service providers, including coordination and supervision of all parties involved. We optimize property presentation through use of professional photos.
We provide individualized recommendations and guidance, maximizing preparation and streamlining the property viewing process. This includes a personalized checklist and support from our team.
"our empathy and sensitivity toward each owner’s individual situation and property”
"our openness and cordiality"
"our round-the-clock reachability and on-site presence during the implementation phase"